Genesis, A History Rapidshare Is The Book Of Genesis Myth, History, Or Something Else.?

Is the book of Genesis myth, history, or something else.? - genesis, a history rapidshare

I have my opinions but I want to know the thoughts of others without an argument. We need to share, participate without the bitterness often associated with religious discussions.


Tweak said...

The creation of fairy tales and stories about the beginning of the Genesis story is complete.

Stories were used by Jews to the fundamental truths that the highest existence (of God and the authority which is the special place of God to man in creation God omniscient, present etc. ..). Israelites did not have its own Bible, the dead around, and these stories have helped to remember the truth. The stories are entertaining and attention, and are much easier to remember.

Jesus used parables in his ministry, parables can not serve God in your book? I think so, and as a parable, the book of Genesis.

DR. said...

The history and prophecy. We are 6000 years from Adam to talk to God (6 days). It took so long for the word of God to man in his image. God is about to complete their work and rest periods on the day of the 7th. The first chapter is the overall plan, and it is almost done. Thou shalt love thy neighbor.

sam said...

Genesis itself is generally assumed, they are mixed with the history of the myth ... Myth or mixed with the story. Anyway, I had no comprehensive study Bible.

JROD325 said...

History. The Bible is the truth, and everyone should believe. Plus theres so many archaeological finds.

Old School Hero said...

Genesis? Mito. Exodus? There may be some verifiable history in it.

The Answer said...

A myth that the only creationists in a debate.

♣Älmighty Ätheist♣ said...

A very bad myth.

Monsanto Mandarine {H. Duck} said...

I want to just go to the Book of Genesis, when I use a "myth called" ...

JROD ...
* Sigh *
No, no ...

Monsanto Mandarine {H. Duck} said...

I want to just go to the Book of Genesis, when I use a "myth called" ...

JROD ...
* Sigh *
No, no ...

Monsanto Mandarine {H. Duck} said...

I want to just go to the Book of Genesis, when I use a "myth called" ...

JROD ...
* Sigh *
No, no ...

everyone needs JESUS!!! said...

the truth of his

jenn-1 said...

MAXIMUM genealogy of Jesus and prophecy of Daniel THE FIRST and the second coming of Christ [Matt.24: 3,36, God only knows] the date and time:

Gen. 1: 1.2; Employment 38:4-7,30-32 to believe that investors, Gen 1 :3-25, not age or time
Universe, or angels, Gen. 1 :26-31 [2:2,4]; Gen.4: 25 [death
Hello to the man gives the time].
Gen.5: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 25, 29, son of # 9, was the son of Noah, # 10, born in 1056th
0130th years
0000 Year-year in 0130 - Cain kills Abel, Seth was born. Gen.5 3rd
In the year 0800 year 0930 - Adam died at age 930, was created, the 130th baby
In the year 0112 year 1042 - Seth died 912 years old, born in 130 AD, the son, at 105th
During the years 0098-1140 - Enos died 905 years old, born in 235, the son of 90 years.
During the years 0095-1235 - Kenan died 910 years old, born in 325, the son of 70.
During the years 0055-1290 - Mahalalel died 895 years old, born in the year 395, the 65th son
In the year 0132 Year 1422 - Jared died 962 years old, born in 460, son, p. 162
0000 Year-year in 0987 - Enoch died 365 years, born in 622, the son died 65 years, 435 years.
In the year 0234, from 1656 to 969 years of the year Methuselah died in floods born in 687, son of b-187.
In 0000, the year 1651 until 777 years Lamech died 5 years of floods, B. 874, 182 son
In 0600, the year 1656 - year of the Flood, the son of Noah, # 10, Flood, 8 in the family, born in 1056th
Gen.7: 6, floods in the 1656th
* Top is: before the flood and after the flood .* In 0350, Noah died 950 years old,
2006 Gen.9: 28,29 and children under 2 years, 35, 30, 34, 30, 32, 30, 29, is 222 years.
Born In 0222, the year 1878 - after the flood Terah 205 years dead, Gen.11: 32
In the year 0205 year 2083 - the covenant of Abraham, Gen.12: 4,7; born Isaac Gen.21 :5-25: 7.9;
In the year 0025 year 2108 - Isaac 2113 Age = 5 + 400 = 2513, Genesis 15: Prophecy 13.16].
[2083 + 430 Exo. = 2513 + 450 = 2963, + 20, Samuel, Saul, 6, David 40, Solomon 4 = 480].
In the year 0100 year 2183 - Abraham died 175 years ago, the federal government of 100 years. Matt.1 :1-17.
0105 Year-years in 2288 - 180 years Isaac, Gen.35 died: 28,29. Gen.25: 26, Jacob 120 years.
0027 Year-year in 2315 - died aged 130-147 Jacob Gen.47: 9,11,28. Family in Egypt.
0053 Year-year in 2368 - Joseph died at 110 years Gen.50 :24-26. End of the Book of Genesis.
0065 Year-year in 2433 - Moses was born, PhilAroah threat to the infant mortality rate of men.

Abraham is the son of No. 20 in the genealogy of Jesus as the Son of man, Matt.1 :1-17.

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